Saturday, February 10, 2018

How it all began #researchforfaeriebooks

How it all began..
I have always had an interest in writing but a few short years ago I found out I had cancer. Faced with my own mortality, as an escape from the horrors of radiation and chemotherapy, I began to scan the internet. I was researching all of the places on my bucket list. First stop on my bucket list was Ireland.
I ran across an article which spoke of the prehistory of Ireland at the end of the last ice age 7,000 BC.The Mesolithic hunter gatherer people. More research revealed of a site found in 1970 in Mountsandel, Coleraine in northern Ireland.

This discovery lead me to develop a story of where these people would have originated and how they would have gotten to Ireland. I recall when studying European history that early peoples had migrated to new areas by following herds of animals. I began to jot down ideas and references. My story had begun. Whenever I had a new idea on how the story should progress I would spend hours on researching. Researching became as much of a fascination for me as much as the story itself.


  1. Very interesting, JoAnn. I never had cancer, praise God, but I always thought I would get around to writing at some point. God put a writer in my path just after I lost my ability to sing, providing me another creative outlet. Like you, I love Ireland, and my book had to take place there. And like you, I enjoyed the research as much as the writing. Never stop writing!
